Here is what's new on my Practical Life shelves as of today. The children are still using the materials in this area daily; however, since we are starting our fourth week together, I decided to switch out some things.
This is a color sorting activity. I had found the colored wooden sticks a few weeks ago in the dollar section of our local discount store. I knew they would eventually find their way onto the Practical Life shelves. I color coded the three plastic jars by putting tape around them. The sticks are in a little white bathtub I found while thrifting this summer. I am going to try this with the lids on the jars. You can see in the second photo that I have removed the lids to allow for the sticks to be sorted by color. Once the children begin using this material, I'll be able to determine if the lids should stay or go.
This is a tonging activity with the little apples I bought in a thrift store. They were originally on a string and I cut them off. You can't really see the tongs well in this photo. When presenting this, I will model using the tongs to grasp the stems of the apples.
This is a dry pouring activity. I have had bean pouring out for several weeks using two small glass cream pitchers. I think the children will like this variation with the bottles and colored aquarium gravel.
This is a spooning activity. In the silver bathtub on the left are white marbles. The children will transfer these to the glass bowl using the ladle shown. I didn't realize until I was taking the photo that the white marbles look like bubbles in the tub. I had originally just put this work together because I liked the aesthetic of the silver and white. I think the children will love the clinky sound the marbles will make when dropped into the glass bowl.
simple and superb ideas. color full too. thanks.
Posted by: anubama | December 08, 2009 at 10:05 AM
I believe that activities with sorting color sticks are not from practical live but from Sensorial.... think about them as of color tablets box 1 and 2, but even then is a good sensorial activity.
Posted by: Tom | September 07, 2009 at 10:21 AM
Wow! I'm taking the montessori training now. I'm so glad I found your website. Really wonderful activities!!! Love them, thanks!
Posted by: Ana | July 07, 2009 at 12:55 PM
Beautiful activities, you do such a great job of creating really appealing materials! I like the sticks activity. I also found and bought those sticks, great idea!
Posted by: Lindart | September 18, 2008 at 06:37 AM
Hi, I love that you are posting PL "works". It gives me so many new ideas. I would love for you to take a peek at my classroom website.
Posted by: Patty | September 17, 2008 at 06:12 PM