I have probably said it here before, but I think it is worth repeating that very simple activities give young children such joy. This activity is a perfect example of a simple activity that gives the child such a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. I have this work set up on my art shelf as shown below. The basket contains several folded pieces of construction paper in various "valentine" colors, a vinyl mat, and a small basket with a pair of scissors, a marker, and a cardboard heart template.
To do this work the child takes the basket to a table and selects the color they would like for their heart. They place the vinyl mat on the table and carefully align the straight edge of the template with the folded edge of the paper (I gave this lesson to the whole group; however, many children still learned the "hard way" that lining up the edge on the "open" side results in a heart that falls apart!). Next, they trace the outline of the template using the marker. Finally, they cut on the traced line and open up the folded paper to reveal their heart! What a sense of wonder they have when something that doesn't look quite heart-like produces a loving shape nonetheless! I wish I had snapped a photo of some little hearts that were cut out this way this week. Many times over a little one came to me with eyes shining with pride, proudly displaying what they had created all on their own! So precious to witness! I know that these happily-handmade little tokens of love were carefully stowed in backpacks or hidden behind backs and a smiling face, just waiting to be presented to loved ones who (I am sure) received their simple gifts with gratitude.
I set this up for my students and they just loved it! We used some of the hearts to decorate cards for Valentine's Day.
I have a brand new year one class, so it was a great activity to observe their fine motor skill development. Thanks for the idea.
Posted by: jacqui karaki | February 09, 2011 at 07:20 AM